

https://youtu.be/te-iTruq9oo <iframe width="560" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/te-iTruq9oo" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe> Week 12-Exp 2 Final Submission, The Bridge Theory -Performalism & Intimacy- As Peter Cooper (founder of Cooper Academy) said: The essence of higher education should be “freedom like air and water.” “We hope to encourage students to come together in a more natural way”, I want to create a public architecture of intimacy, one that brings people together , provide people with the space to share their work and improve their social quality. Still images  Hero Shot  Main Entrance  Flexible Exhibition Area  Learing Centre  Entrance of Studios & Workshop  Office Spaces  View from Anzac Parade Connection of Teaching Spaces and Offic...
EXP2:WEEK10 &WEEK 11 36 Textures Animation: Axonometric Drawing
EXP2:Week 9   Draft model Design Process
EXP2:Week8:Two Moving Elements 6 Two Points Perspectives Inspiration Theory:Intimacy  &  Performalism Intimacy : Buildings should create a public architecture of intimacy, one that brings people together. Inspiration:41 Cooper Square Peter Cooper (founder of Cooper Academy) said: The essence of higher education should be “freedom like air and water.” “We hope to encourage students to come together in a more natural way” Mayne designed the building from the inside out, starting with a central atrium, referred to as a vertical piazza. The atrium plays the role of the public square in the building where social interaction can occur. Its form was created by carving out program space and circulation paths and is contained and accentuated in a steel lattice envelope that reaches the full height of the building. Classrooms, offices, studios, and laboratories surround the vertical atrium and are connected by three separate staircases.[1] The grand staircase, which...
EXP2 Week7 18 One Point Perscpective 4 Two Points Perspective Theory Key words: communicate, perform , poetic,intimacy 1.communicate "by an uneasy feeling that too much is written today about architecture, which should after all communicate visually rather than through words." Source:Karsten Harries (2006) Towards a new poetics of architecture, Building Research & Information, 34:3, 295-298, DOI: 10.1080/09613210600589969 To link to this article:  https://doi.org/10.1080/09613210600589969 2.performalism "A NEW BUZZWORD has entered the architectural lexicon. "Performalism" was the title of a 2008 Tel Aviv Museum of Art exhibit curated by Yasha Grobman and Eran Neuman, whose book Performalism: Between Form, Function and Performance in Contemporary Architecture will be out next year." Source:Hosey,Lance( 2010) Performalism, Architect ; Washington,99:6,44, https://search-proquest-com....

Section Animation
