EXP2 Week7
18 One Point Perscpective

4 Two Points Perspective

Key words: communicate, perform , poetic,intimacy
"by an uneasy feeling that too much is written today about architecture, which should after all communicate visually rather than through words."

Source:Karsten Harries (2006) Towards a new poetics of architecture, Building Research & Information, 34:3, 295-298, DOI: 10.1080/09613210600589969
To link to this article:  https://doi.org/10.1080/09613210600589969

"A NEW BUZZWORD has entered the architectural lexicon. "Performalism" was the title of a 2008 Tel Aviv Museum of Art exhibit curated by Yasha Grobman and Eran Neuman, whose book Performalism: Between Form, Function and Performance in Contemporary Architecture will be out next year."

Source:Hosey,Lance(2010) Performalism, Architect; Washington,99:6,44,https://search-proquest-com.wwwproxy1.library.unsw.edu.au/docview/852514724?accountid=12763

"This same non-necessity, this absence of a homology between poetic and functional expression provides the opening for proposing a poetic architecture on its own terms. The question then arises: What do we get when we transpose the poetic to the architectural, when we make material interventions in our built environment at the architectural scale, as defined above?"

Source:Sha, X.W. AI & Soc (2011) 26: 113. https://doi-org.wwwproxy1.library.unsw.edu.au/10.1007/s00146-010-0290-6

"exemplify the words of US Senator Daniel Moynihan: 'buildings should create a public architecture of intimacy, one that brings people together."

Source:Seddon, George(1998)Reviews,Thesis Eleven,55:1,123-128,DOI: 10.1177/0725513698055000012

